• Post category:Movies
  • Post last modified:September 10, 2021


blendedDivorcee Lauren Reynolds (Drew Barrymore) and widower Jim Friedman (Adam Sandler) go on a disastrous first date, but they keep running into each other and things slowly improveā€¦ The stars’ third romantic comedy together has an unusual quality for a Sandler movie ā€“ charm. There may not be enough of a story for a two-hour running time, but the actors keep it lively and there are scattered laughs as two unwieldy families try to blend. A journey to South Africa is a welcome change of location, but it’s awfully stereotypical as so much else in Sandler’s movies.

2014-U.S. 117 min. Color. Directed byĀ Frank Coraci. Cast: Adam Sandler (Jim Friedman), Drew Barrymore (Lauren Reynolds), Kevin Nealon (Eddy), Terry Crews, Wendi McLendon-Covey, Emma Fuhrmannā€¦ Joel McHale, Shaquille O’Neal.



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