In the future, humanity is battling a fierce alien race that originally attacked Germany; former ad man William Cage (Tom Cruise) finds himself at the front reliving the same scenario over and over. Another sci-fi flick for Cruise after Oblivion (2013), this time an action adventure in 3D that looks like a cross between Groundhog Day (1993) and Aliens (1986). The final half-hour loses steam and ends on a near-ludicrous note, but the film is redeemed by its pacing, elaborate effects, Cruise and Emily Blunt’s likable performances and a sense of humor as the cowardly Cage learns the hard way how to handle his situation.
2014-U.S. 113 min. Color. Widescreen. Directed by Doug Liman. Novel: Hiroshi Sakurazaka (“All You Need is Kill”). Cast: Tom Cruise (William Cage), Emily Blunt (Rita Vrataski), Brendan Gleeson (Brigham), Bill Paxton, Kick Gurry, Dragomir Mrsic.
Trivia: Brad Pitt and Bérénice Bejo were allegedly considered for the lead roles.