Based upon the early Hollywood experiences of Mark Wahlberg, this show centered on an up-and-coming actor from New York City, Vincent Chase (Adrian Grenier), who moved to Los Angeles and took his two best friends with him (Kevin Connolly, Jerry Ferrara). They joined Vincentās older brother (Kevin Dillon), also an actor with a few TV shows behind him.Ā EntourageĀ offered an entertaining, frank look behind the scenes of the dream factory, complete with cameos from movie stars, directors and other power players. Dillon was amusing as the moderately talented Johnny āDramaā and Jeremy Piven brought indefatigable energy to his part as a seemingly ruthless talent agent, but the show as a whole always came up short when dealing with the charactersā childish personal lives.
2004-2011:U.S. Made for TV. 96 episodes. Color.Ā Created byĀ Doug Ellin.Ā Cast:Ā Kevin Connolly (Eric Murphy), Adrian Grenier (Vincent Chase), Kevin Dillon (Johnny āDramaā Chase), Jerry Ferrara (Salvatore āTurtleā Assante), Jeremy Piven, Rex Lee, Perrey Reeves.
Trivia: Followed by a feature film, Entourage (2015).
Emmys:Ā Outstanding Supporting Actor (Piven) 05-06, 06-07, 07-08.Ā Golden Globe:Ā Best Supporting Actor (Piven) 08.
Quote:Ā āLetās hug it out, bitch.ā (Pivenās catchphrase)