When war interrupts their lives, a man and his four-year-old son (Jesper Ganslandt, Hunter Louis Ganslandt) begin a journey as refugees, escaping terror only to face hostile border guards. One of several Swedish movies at the time trying to make its arthouse audiences imagine what war must feel like by having āregularā Swedes as refugees. Almost lyrical at times, with moments of terror and beauty, but also claustrophobic and exhausting in its stubborn attempt to force emotions without offering any background or context. Father and son Ganslandt do their best.
2018-Sweden. 91 min. Color. Widescreen. Written and directed byĀ Jesper Ganslandt. Cinematography: MĆ„ns MĆ„nsson. Cast: Hunter Louis Ganslandt (Jimmie), Jesper Ganslandt (Dad), Christopher Wagelin (Idaās dad), Anna Littorin, Marita Fjeldheim Wierdal.
The movie is called “Jimmie”. The reason you’re not getting any background or context is that you’re offered the same narrative as a 4 year old and the point of the whole movie is to create confusion around the viewer to make us experience to some extent what Jimmie went through.