In 1987, small-town girl Sherrie Christian (Julianne Hough) arrives in Los Angeles and is hired as a waitress at a classic rock club that’s been targeted by the Mayor and his crazy-conservative wife (Catherine Zeta-Jones)ā¦ This adaptation of the jukebox musical was a box-office flop in spite of the fact that it seemed to make all the right moves, including hiring Hairspray (2007) director Adam Shankman. Tom Cruise, Zeta-Jones, Paul Giamatti, Alec Baldwin and Russell Brand work like galley slaves to make this a fun experience, but it’s far too thin, overlong and the central romance is a dud.
2012-U.S. 123 min. Color. Widescreen.Ā Directed byĀ Adam Shankman.Ā Book:Ā Chris D’Arienzo.Ā Cast:Ā Julianne Hough (Sherrie Christian), Diego Boneta (Drew Boley), Tom Cruise (Stacee Jax), Alec Baldwin, Paul Giamatti, Russell Brandā¦ Catherine Zeta-Jones, Mary J. Blige, Malin Ć kerman, Bryan Cranston, Debbie Gibson.
Trivia:Ā Will Ferrell, Steve Carell and Anne Hathaway were allegedly considered for roles.