Young, aspiring writer Louis Ives (Paul Dano), who has a thing for the 1920s, rents a room in Henry Harrison’s (Kevin Kline) New York apartment and becomes a student in the art of being an “extra man”, entertaining wealthy, old women. The directing duo love to tell stories about eccentrics, people who reject the predictable lives of the “normal”. This movie has a lot of charm, helped by Dano and Kline’s excellent performances; they’re funny and touching. However, the script as a whole is not equally satisfying and Katie Holmes falls in the shadow of all the male kooks (which also includes John C. Reilly as a quiet neighbor).
2010-U.S.-France. 108 min. Color. Widescreen.Ā Directed byĀ Shari Springer Berman, Robert Pulcini.Ā Screenplay:Ā Shari Springer Berman, Robert Pulcini, Jonathan Ames.Ā Novel:Ā Jonathan Ames.Ā Cast:Ā Kevin Kline (Henry Harrison), Paul Dano (Louis Ives), Katie Holmes (Mary Powell), John C. Reilly, Patti D’Arbanville, Alicia Goransonā¦ Dan Hedaya.Ā