A faux documentary from the filmmaker who brought us This is England (2007). Shot on a shoestring budget, the movie is essentially just the director (himself a part of the story), a few assistants and the characters they follow. They are a slacker called Le Donk (who’s about to become a dad but finds the pregnancy too much of an obstacle to his career as a roadie) and Scor-zay-zee, a shy, gentle rapper hoping for Le Donk to help him become a star. The adventure they take us on becomes moderately amusing thanks to the cast and a few funny lines, but a little more ambition wouldn’t have hurt.
2009-Britain. 71 min. Written and directed byĀ Shane Meadows. Cast: Paddy Considine (Le Donk), Dean Palo (Scor-zay-zee), Olivia Colman (Olivia), Richard Graham, Shane Meadows, The Arctic Monkeys.