Kate Armstrong (Catherine Zeta-Jones), a skillful New York chef who prefers to keep to herself, sees her life change dramatically with the arrival of a new sous chef (Aaron Eckhart) – and a child (Abigail Breslin). Director Scott Hicks makes sure that this remake of the German film Mostly Martha (2002) becomes as enjoyable as possible. A pleasantly romantic and sentimental date movie that follows a safely predictable formula – which is why it is so important to have a cast that elevates the material. Zeta-Jones is perfect as the control-freak cook and Eckhart matches her well as the charming intruder in her kitchen.
2007-U.S. 104 min. Color. Widescreen. Directed by Scott Hicks. Cast: Catherine Zeta-Jones (Kate Armstrong), Aaron Eckhart (Nick Palmer), Abigail Breslin (Zoe), Patricia Clarkson, Jenny Wade, Bob Balaban… Zoë Kravitz.
Trivia: Kravitz’s first film.