• Post category:Television
  • Post last modified:July 29, 2015

Death of a President


deathofapresidentDuring a visit to Chicago in October 2007, President George W. Bush is shot to death and the hunt begins for a Muslim man.Ā A faux documentary set in the near future that arose much controversy at its premiere. The idea is to explore what would happen if Bush was murdered, considering how many hotly debated changes in U.S. society that his administration implemented after 9/11. Except for the parts where Bush and Dick Cheney ā€œparticipateā€ (aided by a few tricks), the film is believable and excitingā€¦ but doesnā€™t fully realize its potential to depict the consequences of Bushā€™s policies.

2006-Britain. Made for TV. 93 min. Color.Ā Directed byĀ Gabriel Range.Ā Teleplay:Ā Gabriel Range, Simon Finch.Ā Cast:Ā Hend Ayoub (Zahra Abi Zikri), Brian Boland (Larry Stafford), Becky Ann Baker (Eleanor Drake), Robert Mangiardi, Jay Patterson, Jay Whittaker.

Trivia:Ā Released in theaters in many countries outside of Britain.



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