• Post category:Television
  • Post last modified:May 25, 2016



recountThe man who brought us the Austin Powers movies turns serious with this look behind the scenes of the Florida recount debacle after the 2000 presidential election. We follow the tactics of both sides and even though the film never delves deeper into how this event divided the nation it is a riveting, embarrassing tale of electoral fiasco in a nation that prided itself as “the greatest democracy”. There’s also a tone of sadness; the filmmakers want us to think of where America would be today had Al Gore won. Great acting (although John Hurt sucksĀ at doing American accents); Laura Dern is very amusing as a starry-eyed Katherine Harris.

2008-U.S. Made for TV. 115 min. Color. Produced byĀ Michael Hausman. Directed byĀ Jay Roach. Teleplay: Danny Strong. Cast: Kevin Spacey (Ron Klain), Bob Balaban (Ben Ginsberg), Ed Begley, Jr. (David Boies), Tom Wilkinson, Laura Dern, John Hurt… Denis Leary.

Trivia: Co-executive produced by Sydney Pollack.

Emmys: Outstanding Made-for-Television Movie, Directing. Golden Globe: Best Supporting Actress (Dern).

Last word: “It certainly was different for me working on a film where it was not a big budget, and there was not much time to make it and we had a tremendous scope to cover. We had a hundred speaking parts, two-hundred scenes ā€“Ā I had to prep in eight weeks and I remember saying to HBO, ‘You know some days I’m shooting eight scenes. I’m literally going to have to say to these Academy Award-quality actors ā€“ Tom Wilkinson, John Hurt, Kevin Spacey ā€“ I’m going to have to say: ‘Cut. Print. Run!'” (Roach, HBO)



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