In 2058, the overpopulation of Earth compels the Robinsons to launch a journey into outer space, but the expedition is sabotaged by the unreliable doctor Zachary Smith (Gary Oldman)… The charm of the original TV series (1965-1968) has been just as lost as the Robinsons in this movie adaptation that prefers to focus on opulent visual effects. They’re indeed very attractive, apart from a yellow monkey (?) called Blawp. Too dark for very young children, but has its moments, a few nods to fans and an adequate cast.
1998-U.S. 122 min. Color. Widescreen. Directed byĀ Stephen Hopkins. Cast: Gary Oldman (Zachary Smith), William Hurt (John Robinson), Matt LeBlanc (Don West), Mimi Rogers (Maureen Robinson), Heather Graham, Lacey Chabertā¦ Edward Fox.
Trivia: Angela Cartwright, Mark Goddard, Marta Kristen and June Lockhart, stars from the original show, all have cameos.