Don Johnston (Bill Murray), a wealthy computer pioneer, lives a pretty dull playboy life; it’s up to his neighbor (Jeffrey Wright) to get him to start looking for the son a mysterious letter tells him he has. A cast of unusually celebrious names for a Jim Jarmusch picture may be reason enough for people who don’t much care for his work to take a look at this one. Murray continues along the same lines as his dour character in Lost in Translation (2003), trying to find meaning at this point in life. Just as slow-moving and low-key as other Jarmusch films, but Don’s encounters with old flames keep things entertaining.
2005-U.S. 106 min. Color. Written and directed by Jim Jarmusch. Cast: Bill Murray (Don Johnston), Jeffrey Wright (Winston), Sharon Stone (Laura), Jessica Lange, Tilda Swinton, Frances Conroy… Julie Delpy, Chloë Sevigny.
Trivia: Murray’s son Homer plays the guy in a car in the last scene.